Amy Stephens


Licensed dietitian

specializing in sports nutrition

and eating disorders

Fueling for winter training

Fueling for winter training

During the winter months, nutrition priorities shift towards hydration, foods that generate body warmth, and those that boost the immune system.



1. Hydrate even if you don’t feel thirsty. Your body loses water through both respiration and perspiration. This becomes particularly crucial during winter months and even more so if training at altitude. Performance can be impacted by dehydration, so maintain hydration by consistently sipping fluids throughout the day. If you tend to sweat heavily, consider incorporating electrolytes as well.

2. Layer your clothing to avoid overheating. Aim to dress for temperatures that are 10-20 degrees warmer than the outside temperature. If the temperature is 32℉ (0 ℃), dress for 40 or 50℉ (4-10℃). As your body temperature rises during activity, you can gradually remove layers to prevent overheating. Wearing too many layers can lead to increased sweating, potentially hastening dehydration.

3. Replenish fluids immediately after a workout. Kickstart recovery and hydration by choosing warm fluids like soups, teas or hot chocolate. 

4.  Do not let the need to remove layers for restroom breaks lead to intentional fluid restriction. Stopping and removing extra layers to urinate can be time-consuming and inconvenient. Nevertheless, athletes should be mindful that dehydration can significantly impair sports performance. 


  1. Take advantage of food’s thermic effect, eating can increase body temperature and help the body warm up before a workout. Along with warm fluids (coffee or tea), eat a banana or a warm bowl of oatmeal 30-60 minutes before a workout to help your body warm up. 
  2. Refuel after a workout to continue to experience the thermic effect of food. Refueling will also help replenish glycogen stores and repair damaged muscle tissue. Choose meals that have plenty of complex carbohydrates, proteins and fats. 

Recovery foods

  1. Be conscious of Vitamin C consumption to keep the immune system working at peak level. Include seasonal foods such as frozen fruits, beets, broccoli, avocado, sweet potato and citrus fruits.
  2. Incorporate foods with Vitamin D. Sunlight is our bodies natural form of Vitamin D however in winter months, we don’t get nearly enough sunshine to activate Vitamin D. Best foods to choose are salmon, sardines, herring, eggs, and yogurt. 
  3. Choose warmer meals that are rich in carbohydrates and protein. Some great choices are soups, stews, hot chocolate, warm sandwiches, pasta with meatballs and bowls. Eat enough to replenish glycogen and promote recovery. 
  4. Eat the same amount of food in colder temperatures. Energy expenditure doesn’t change too much in winter months unless you are carrying extra gear (i.e. skis, hiking gear, or large hydration vests).

Sample winter meal plan


Oatmeal made with frozen blueberries, topped with sliced banana, nut butter and cinnamon 


Trail mix with dried fruit and salted almonds


Homemade soup or stew

carrot ginger, winter vegetable and farro, chicken noodle, lentil, beef stew 


Homemade muffins (apple and carrot superhero muffin recipe)

Chamomile or turmeric tea 


Salmon with roasted sweet potatoes, and a kale salad with feta cheese, pumpkin seeds, dried cranberries and lemon vinaigrette dressing

What’s the difference between a dietitian and a nutritionist?

What’s the difference between a dietitian and a nutritionist?

It’s a matter of education and training. 

Consult with a healthcare provider who has appropriate training in the specific area you require assistance with. Inquire about your practitioner’s training to verify it aligns with your nutrition objectives. Following advice from an untrained provider can be detrimental, potentially preventing or delaying appropriate treatment.




Starting in 2024, individuals will need a Master’s degree from an accredited university in order to be eligible for the dietetic exam which is necessary to become a registered dietitian (RD). Courses include clinical practice, complementary and alternative nutrition therapies, diseased gut, and clinical nutrition assessment. For more detailed information about requirements, click here.


Complete a 1,200-hour dietetic internship by an accredited program. During the internship, students rotate through different settings such as  hospital, community-based rotation and food service areas. Students learn how to practice medical nutrition therapy (MNT) and communicate with medical teams that include physicians, physical therapists, mental health providers, and family members.

Dietetic exam

After successfully completing eligibility requirements and being validated by the commission on dietetic registration, individuals must take and pass the board exam in order to become a registered dietitian. For more information about the exam such as the outline and study resources, click here.

Place of work

Dietitians can hold positions in hospitals, universities, the military, international olympic committee (IOC), foodservice, or doctor’s offices. 

Continuing medical education (CME) 

Every five years, the commission on dietetic registration (CDR) requires 75 credits of CME. This can be accrued through seminars, journal articles, workshops, webinars, training programs, additional certifications, etc. For a full list of how to obtain CME, click here

Specialty certifications

In addition to the registered dietitian credential, there are many other specialties which are listed below. They each have different training requirements, supervised hours and exams.



No standard. Anyone can claim to be a nutritionist…There is no formal governing body.


There is no current standard for training nutritionists. The type of courses offered and length of programs for nutritionists varies. Some nutritionist programs can be as little as 10 weeks online. No state licensure standard for all nutritionists.

NYU Women’s cross country

‘Unrecognizable’: How the NYU women’s cross country team went from 4 runners to 5th in the nation in less than three seasons, Head Coach Tyler Deck Shipley elevated a struggling cross country team to one of the nation’s best.

Click HERE for full story.



BEST foods to eat after a workout – tips from the Martin Coaching Team

BEST foods to eat after a workout - tips from the Martin Coaching Team

Foods consumed after a workout will impact recovery and sports performance.

We asked the Martin coaching team about which foods they eat after a workout and it was no surprise that we received great responses instantly. At the elite level, nutrition is dialed in and the athletes know which foods to grab after a tough workout to promote recovery. We created this post to highlight the importance of refueling and provide some great options from the pros. 

How exercise affects energy stores

During a workout or run, the body breaks down glycogen into usable energy to supply working muscles. As the workout progresses, glycogen stores become depleted and muscle tissue further breaks down. Once exercise stops, the body will absorb nutrients to start the recovery process (Burke). If nutrients are not available, recovery after a workout can take longer. This can be a problem if you are training again the next day or later that same day.

Food is the best recovery tool

Nutrition can promote faster recovery. Eating the right amount of food immediately after a workout will restore muscle and liver glycogen which is essential for recovery between training sessions or competitive events. Recovery foods are especially important for athletes who work out or compete multiple times per day, as they have limited time for recovery. Carbohydrates and a small amount of protein are necessary to kickstart recovery.

Glycogen window: carbs and protein

Take advantage of the glycogen window by consuming adequate carbohydrates and protein within the first hour of a workout. During this time, the muscles are primed to absorb nutrients at a faster rate, then slows. Aim for about 100 grams carb ( 1-1.2 g/kg)  and 20-30 grams protein post exercise to maximize glycogen resynthesis (Burke). For example, a 150 pound person could eat a bagel with peanut butter and a fruit smoothie. 

These numbers are estimates, your body might require more or less food based on the intensity of the workout and how you feel. Recovery will continue over the next few hours but at a slower rate.

Include high glycemic foods such as honey, syrup or carbohydrate-rich beverages to maximize glycogen uptake for athletes who have limited recovery time between workouts (Donaldson). 

Post-workout nausea

If solid foods are not tolerated after a workout, take small bites from bland foods like crackers, dry toast or cold beverages such as a sports drink, until your appetite improves.

Martin Coaching staff’s favorite recovery foods


I love a loaded smoothie! Go to recipe: plain Greek yogurt, a little honey, blueberries, fist of spinach, tbsp of nut butter (partial to Stoke), banana and frozen mango. Plenty of protein to replenish stores and easy on the stomach.

Brendan and Aubrey Martin

Breakfast burrito with kale, eggs, vegan cheese, whole wheat tortilla, and hot sauce! Carbs + protein + sodium.

Protein knockout from Juice Generation  and everything bagel with tofutti.

Tortilla with hummus, “micro greens” or baby spinach + ranch dressing.

Johannes Motschmann

Vegan chocolate protein shake powder with oat milk and bananas. (Within 15 minutes of finishing the workout).

Maurten Solid Bar and regular soda. The consumption of sugar in conjunction with exercise will accelerate glycogen repletion (Kerksick).

 2L of Fanta from a nearby bodega after a 20 miler along the Hudson in the summer

Johannes Motschmann during the World Athletics Marathon. Budapest, Hungry 2023 Photo: @uyberlin

Luciano Fiore 

Two bananas 🍌 after every run and recently been loving MacroBars post run. Especially if the weight-room is soon to follow. Bananas provide the most versatile fruit in the game and an extra 12 grams plant-based protein boost from the macro bar.

On colder days, Fiore likes oats with chunky peanut butter (Brands - Santa Cruz Peanut butter or Once Again if I’ve got some spending cash) cocoa nibs, cinnamon, banana and honey.

Usually eat half. Leave the second half in my passenger seat. And rationalize eating it after training because of the mandatory metabolic window.

Liam Dee

Like Luciano, I’ve been double-batch cooking my oats so that I can have some pre and post run. Usually, I’ll add honey, milk, raisins, banana and chia seeds for extra texture and omega-3.

If I’m in the mood for something more lunch-forward, I love Hummus sandwiches on a nice Portuguese roll loaded with greens, cucumber and cherry tomatoes and topped with chips and a bit of spicy honey if I have it! More recently I have acquired a rice-cooker which means I can set that going before an evening jog and can quickly stir-fry some veg and tofu and be eating a proper meal in 15 minutes post-run.

Of late, I have been fiendishly eating bananas out of sheer practicality, but my go-to quick satiating snack is yoghurt with cherries or frozen fruit and honey, and some kind of cereal topping.

Amy Stephens, Sports Dietitian 

My favorite food after a workout is avocado toast with a hard boiled egg and red pepper. Avocado provides a great source of healthy fats and eggs  provide high quality protein with all essential amino acids.


Some additional recovery food options include:

  • Granola, yogurt and fruit
  • Peanut butter, honey and banana sandwich on whole-wheat bread
  • Chocolate milk
  • Fruit smoothie made with banana, strawberries, mango, and milk. 
  • Sports beverage containing carbohydrate and protein – Skratch Horchata
  • Turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread
  • Peanut butter on crackers
  • Dried fruit and nuts
  • Graham crackers and yogurt
  • Peanut butter and apple slices


Burke LM, Hawley JA, Wong SH, Jeukendrup AE. Carbohydrates for training and competition. J Sports Sci. 2011;29 Suppl 1:S17-27. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2011.585473. Epub 2011 Jun 9. PMID: 21660838.

Burke LM, Kiens B, Ivy JL. Carbohydrates and fat for training and recovery. J Sports Sci. 2004 Jan;22(1):15-30. doi: 10.1080/0264041031000140527. PMID: 14971430.

Burke L and Deakin V. Clinical Sports Nutrition, Third Edition.

Donaldson CM, Perry TL, Rose MC. Glycemic index and endurance performance. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2010 Apr;20(2):154-65. doi: 10.1123/ijsnem.20.2.154. Erratum in: Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2011 Jun;21(3):262-4. PMID: 20479489.

Kerksick CM, Arent S, Schoenfeld BJ, Stout JR, Campbell B, Wilborn CD, Taylor L, Kalman D, Smith-Ryan AE, Kreider RB, Willoughby D, Arciero PJ, VanDusseldorp TA, Ormsbee MJ, Wildman R, Greenwood M, Ziegenfuss TN, Aragon AA, Antonio J. International society of sports nutrition position stand: nutrient timing. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2017 Aug 29;14:33. doi: 10.1186/s12970-017-0189-4. PMID: 28919842; PMCID: PMC5596471.

How to Restore Your Period as an Endurance Athlete

How to Restore Your Period as an Endurance Athlete

Athletes burn tons of extra calories each day because of the high demands of their training. If their nutritional needs are not being met, they may be underfueling. For female athletes, underfueling poses a high risk for secondary amenorrhea, which is defined as the absence of three or more periods in a row by someone who has had periods in the past. It can lead to a variety of other health issues, specifically impacting bone health and lowering immunity. Unfortunately, secondary amenorrhea is extremely common in female runners. The good news is, it is possible for an athlete to regain their menstrual cycle and potentially reverse the effects caused by secondary amenorrhea. But how? 

The short answer is simple: exercise less, and eat more.  

The long answer is that it isn’t so simple for athletes. Many athletes may feel that they have no chance at regaining their menstrual cycle, because their lifestyle directly goes against the baseline rule of exercising less and eating more to restore their period. Additionally, some athletes may fear weight gain despite the fact that it may be necessary for them to restore their cycle. However, secondary amenorrhea is reversible, and here are 5 ways in which an athlete can make small changes in order to restore their period:

  1. Increasing Calories – Secondary amenorrhea is caused by a prolonged caloric deficit. The most important thing an athlete must do to restore their menstrual cycle, is to increase their caloric intake. It does not need to be a major lifestyle change or a completely new diet, adding in 1-2 nutritionally dense snacks every day might even do the trick. Adding between 350-450 calories per day above energy requirements, may be enough to restore an athlete’s menstrual cycle (Ciadella-Kam et al., 2014). However, if you are substantially under nourished, your body may require a higher level of calories to meet nutritional needs.

  2. Timing of Fueling – No matter what time of day it is, refueling as soon as possible after a run or a hard workout is essential for your body to properly recover. It is best to eat a snack or a meal within 30 minutes of finishing a run, to kickstart replenishing your glycogen stores. Additionally, eating as soon as possible after a workout is a great way to replenish the calories expended during the training session. By refueling, you are preventing your body from falling into a prolonged calorie deficit, thus supporting the goal of avoiding a caloric deficit for restoring the menstrual cycle.

  3. Dialing Back Training – Studies show that reducing exercise intensity restores estrogen production and hormonal balance. It may be beneficial for an athlete to dial back on their training, if they are struggling to regain their menstrual cycle after a period of time. However, there are some athletes that can restore their period by making nutritional changes, and continuing their normal training pattern. Focusing more on food timing around workouts may be supportive to athletes who need to be training year round.

4. Increasing Healthy Fats – Healthy fats supply the building blocks for female hormone production in the body. Increasing healthy fats when in secondary amenorrhea recovery supports the production of estrogen, progesterone, and healthy brain tissue. Healthy fats also support overall nutrient absorption, so consuming healthy fats allows your body to make the most out of all the other food you eat, ensuring that you are absorbing all the nutrients you need. Some easy ways to increase healthy fats can be from foods like full fat dairy products, avocados, fish, nuts and nut butters, seeds, and cooking with olive oil.

5. Necessary Weight Gain and Increasing Body Fat – It is a common misconception among runners and other athletes that being thinner will improve performance. This is not true, and in fact having a body fat percentage that is too low can be dangerous. For menstrual health, body fat is crucial. Women that have a low BMI (body mass index) are producing less estrogen, which can lead to secondary amenorrhea. While everybody is different, and using BMI may not be an accurate representation of what is healthy versus what is not, if an athlete has a low BMI as a result of extremely demanding training as well as a calorie deficit, it is not healthy. This is especially the case if they suffer from secondary amenorrhea. If you have lost your menstrual cycle, even if you are not necessarily “underweight” as understood by the BMI scale, you may be at an unhealthy bodyweight for YOU. Gaining some essential body fat will support hormone health by aiding the production of estrogen, allowing your body to regain its menstrual cycle.

6. Shift away from the diet mindset – Deliberately limiting your food or food intake with the aim of losing weight can lead to changes in your metabolism and hormone balance. Ensure that you eating enough to sustain your physical activity and promote recovery. Seek guidance from a sports dietitian expert to accurately assess your nutrition requirements and create a well-balanced meal plan.

7. Pay attention to your body’s hunger cues – Feeling hungry is a sign that your body needs food. By ignoring hunger cues, your body’s natural rythms can become imbalanced. When you feel hungry, opt for a nutritious meal or snack to address your body’s needs.


In addition to misinformation regarding the effects and severity of amenorrhea in athletes, it is also common for people to believe that going on birth control will fix these issues. While the birth control pill can produce a “period” it’s actually a withdrawal bleed. It’s not a natural period where your body has enough nutrients to produce hormones. A withdrawal bleed is not a real period and it doesn’t indicate you are in calorie balance.

Your physician may suggest that, as an athlete, it’s ok to miss your period. As mentioned, losing a period is not healthy and indicates an imbalance with nutrition and exercise that requires attention. Prolonged amenorrhea can have long-term effects on bone health.

Ultimately, there is no formula for restoring your period. Everybody is different, and some methods may work better than others. Additionally, some people may regain their periods faster than others, but this does not mean that you should stop trying. Small changes over time build up, and eventually by using these tips you can restore your period and continue becoming the strongest and healthiest athlete you can be. 

Reach out to an informed physician or  sports dietitian who can provide additional guidance about restoring your cycle.


Cialdella-Kam, L.; Guebels, C.P.; Maddalozzo, G.F.; Manore, M.M. Dietary Intervention Restored Menses in Female Athletes with Exercise-Associated Menstrual Dysfunction with Limited Impact on Bone and Muscle Health. Nutrients 2014, 6, 3018-3039. 


De Souza MJ, Mallinson RJ, Strock NCA, Koltun KJ, Olmsted MP, Ricker EA, Scheid JL, Allaway HC, Mallinson DJ, Kuruppumullage Don P, Williams NI. Randomised controlled trial of the effects of increased energy intake on menstrual recovery in exercising women with menstrual disturbances: the ‘REFUEL’ study. Hum Reprod. 2021 Jul 19;36(8):2285-2297.


Hackney AC. Menstrual Cycle Hormonal Changes and Energy Substrate Metabolism in Exercising Women: A Perspective. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Sep 24;18(19):10024.


Ihalainen JK, Kettunen O, McGawley K, Solli GS, Hackney AC, Mero AA, Kyröläinen H. Body Composition, Energy Availability, Training, and Menstrual Status in Female Runners. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2021 Jul 1;16(7):1043-1048.



Athletes have high energy demands, and it can be difficult to meet these needs with meals alone. Energy bars and bites are a great way to offset hunger and fill in gaps between meals. Together with my intern, Sara, we created a list of energy bars and bites that we personally enjoy. These recipes can be easily prepared as a convenient way to meet nutritional needs.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Bites




  1. Combine all ingredients (except chocolate chips) in a food processor and pulse until well-mixed. If you don’t have a food processor, use instant oats.
  2. Add 2-3 Tbsp water to hold the mixture together.
  3. Remove from the food processor and stir in mini chocolate chips.
  4. Scoop mixture and roll into balls. Freeze until solid and store in the freezer or refrigerator.




Mint Chocolate Bites


  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 1 1/4 cups Medjool dates — softened and pitted (about 10 dates)
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter
  • 3 tablespoons mini chocolate chips
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds  (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 3 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 2-3 Tbsp water


  1. To soften dates, leave in water for 10 min or add to boiling water for 5 min.
  2. Place the dates in the bowl of a food processor and pulse several times until the dates break into small bits and form a ball that sticks to the side of the bowl. 
  3. Add the oats, peanut butter, and salt. Pulse until the mixture is broken down and in small pieces but not completely smooth. Add the cocoa powder and pulse to combine. At this point, the dough will look like crumbs. Add 2-3 tablespoons of water until the mixture forms a paste. 
  4. Scoop some into your hand and press to roll it into a ball, it should hold together easily. If it seems too dry and isn’t holding together, add a little peanut butter; if it’s too sticky, add a few more oats. (The amount you need may vary based upon the brand of peanut butter you use and the moisture of the dates.)
  5. Roll the dough into balls of your desired size (I did slightly over 1 inch and ended up with 14 energy balls). 
  6. Place in the freezer or refrigerator to harden.

Energy bar 

Inspired by wellplated



    1. Line an 8×8- or 9×9-inch baking pan with parchment paper, leaving an overhang on two sides like handles.
    2. Place the peanut butter, honey, and coconut oil in a medium heatproof bowl. Set the bowl over a saucepan of water and bring the water to a simmer over medium to medium-high heat. (Do not let the water boil, and make sure the water does not touch the bottom of the mixing bowl.) Stir and heat until the mixture is smoothly combined. Remove the bowl from the saucepan and turn off the heat
    3. Add the oats, protein powder, flaxseed, cinnamon, and salt to the bowl with the peanut butter mixture. Stir to combine. The mixture will seem very dry at first but will come together as you stir. It won’t be sticky but should hold together when pressed.
    4. Fold in the chocolate chips or cranberries. (If the mixture is still fairly warm, pop the bowl into the refrigerator for a few minutes to let it cool. Cooling the mixture will prevent the chocolate from melting. Don’t worry if they do melt a little—the bars will still be delicious!)
    5. Press evenly into the prepared pan and refrigerate for 1 hour or until firm.
    6. Lift the bars from the pan using the parchment handles and transfer them to a cutting board. Slice into bars as desired and enjoy.

Pumpkin energy bites 

Inspired by pinchofyum


  • 2 cups oats
  • 1/2 cup canned pumpkin puree
  • 1/4 cup almond butter or peanut butter
  • 1/4 cup chia seeds
  • 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (optional, see notes)
  • 1/2 cup maple syrup or honey
  • generous pinch of salt
  • 1/2 cup dark chocolate chips


  1. Pulse all ingredients (except chocolate chips) in a food processor until well-mixed.
  2. Add chocolate chips and pulse a few more times until they are in small pieces.
  3. Scoop mixture and roll into balls. Freeze until solid and store in the freezer or refrigerator.

Energy Bites By Sara Two Ways

IG  @eatzbysara 

Coconut Cashew Energy Bites


  • 1 cup oats
  • ½ cup cashew butter
  • ¼ cup honey
  • 1 cup shredded coconut
  • Optional: 2 tbsp vanilla protein powder

Maple Cinnamon Energy Bites


  • 1 cup oats
  • ½ cup almond butter 
  • ¼ cup maple syrup
  • 2 tbsp chia seeds
  • *(for this recipe I recommend Justin’s Maple Almond Butter for flavor)*

Directions for both recipes:

  1. Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl
  2. With your hands, roll the mixture into balls (you can make them any size you like, I usually make them about 1-2 inches in diameter. This way, the recipe yields about 12-15 bites.



NYC marathon nutrition panel

If you’re a marathon runner, you’ll appreciate this presentation. On July 16th, 2023, I was invited to participate in the NYC Marathon nutrition panel hosted by NYRR. We covered a lot of important topics for runners such as: hydration, fueling, gear, and how to prevent hitting the wall. There were over 1,000 individuals on live stream and 50 attended at the NYRR Run Center. Below is the YouTube link for the full talk. 

How Social Media Affects Athletes

How social media affects athletes

Social media can be a great place for athletes to connect with other athletes, share content about their own journeys, and follow their favorite pros. However, social media can also become a toxic environment for those who are not cognizant of its impact.


  • Social media can be a catalyst for negative thoughts about body image, caused by comparison to others. It is impossible to  know whether an account owner is editing their photos, posing in a certain way, or the relationship they have with their own bodies. With that said, comparison to others on social media often becomes an unavoidable truth.
  • Creators may use social media as an outlet to spread information or advice on topics like training, nutrition, and “tips for athletes” despite not always being licensed professionals. It is important to consume  information written by professional, credible sources because the viral wellness tips or popular hashtags shared online can be polluted with misinformation. For an innocent scroller, differentiating the two can be challenging.
  • Social media may cause an athlete to think their own wins are not good enough. For example, a runner may feel proud of themselves for running 6 miles without stopping, and then they may open Instagram and see that another runner ran 7 miles at a faster pace, and their pride can turn into disappointment.
  • Social media promotes quick fixes. Too often athletes get caught up in looking for the easy and fast route, whether that be to heal an injury or improve their performance. If something online looks easy, it probably isn’t true.
  • Social media platforms provide medical advice for various symptoms often obtained from unreliable sources. This poses a significant risk to consumers and hinders an athlete from seeking a thorough evaluation by a qualified medical professional. Relying on untrustworthy information can impede and delay a timely delivery of care. 

Where should athletes get their information?

  • Injury recovery/Diagnosis: Their own medical doctor (MD), physical therapist (PT) or coach 
  • Fueling/Nutrition: Registered Sports Dietitian/Nutritionist who focus on fueling for performance
  • Training plan/lifting plan: Directly from their coach, physical therapist, or athletic trainer 

*Make sure the person providing advice has training in the specified area.

How to use social media in a positive way?

Be a conscious consumer! Seek out accounts that promote a positive body image and convey positive messages. If certain posts spark feelings of dread, sadness, or uneasiness, it may be beneficial to unfollow those accounts. 

Be skeptical when it comes to products and services endorsed by influencers lacking relevant education or expertise in the field. It’s important to remember that their primary goal is to sell a product or service. They may present the product in an appealing manner to achieve that objective. 

There is no supplement, powder or pill that will help you perform better. The key is to follow a well-balanced diet, prioritize recovery, and follow a suitable training plan.

Oatmeal 101: How to Level Up Your Daily Oatmeal

Oatmeal 101: How to Level Up Your Daily Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a fantastic breakfast option for runners. Oats are a very nutritionally rich food, as they contain carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals and antioxidants. Additionally, oats are generally easy on the stomach and are filling without causing discomfort. Oats are a great pre-run option for sustained energy.

A side note from Sara (the intern): As a runner, I eat oatmeal pretty much every day. It sounds like a bland meal, but if there’s anybody who you should trust to help you jazz up your oatmeal it’s me! (I’ve posted over 37 oatmeal recipes on @eatzbysara). Here are 3 recipes you can try at home to add some more creativity to your daily oatmeal!

Optional : you can add protein powder to any of these recipes if you choose


Banana Bread Baked Oats

Have some extra time in the morning? Try baked oats. This cozy breakfast takes 30-40 mins to bake, and it comes out with a cake texture! This recipe tastes just like you are eating banana bread for breakfast.


●  1⁄2 cup oats

●  1⁄2 cup milk of choice

●  1 banana

●  1 tbsp any plain yogurt

●  1⁄2 tbsp maple syrup/honey

●  1⁄2 tsp baking powder


●  Preheat oven to 400°F

●  Blend all ingredients

●  Bake for 22-30 mins (depending on oven)


● Peanut butter, granola, banana slices::

Carrot Cake Overnight Oats

For those on-the-go people – have NO time in the morning? Overnight oats are your best friend. You make them the night before, so all you have to do in the morning is grab them from the fridge and you’re all set. This recipe is a mix of the refreshing chilled oats plus the cozy irresistible carrot cake flavor.


●  1⁄2 cup oats

●  1⁄2 cup milk of choice

●  1⁄2 cup grated carrots

●  2 tbsp any plain yogurt

●  Dash of cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, ginger


●  Mix all ingredients, put in a closed container

●  Store in the refrigerator overnight

●  The next day: Add toppings and enjoy


● Almond butter, pecans, raisins

Lemon Coconut Microwave Oats

Microwave oats are great for busy people who still love a warm bowl of oatmeal in the morning. This recipe combines tangy and sweet in the most delicious way.


●  1⁄2 cup oats

●  1⁄2 cup milk of choice

●  1 tbsp any plain yogurt

●  1 tbsp maple syrup/honey

●  1⁄2 tbsp chia seeds

●  1⁄2 a lemon, squeezed

●  1⁄2 cup shredded coconut


●  Blend all ingredients

●  Microwave for 3 mins Toppings

● Cashew butter, lemon zest, granola

Savory Overnight Oats

If savory is more your speed, don’t worry. You can still enjoy the versatility of a bowl of oats just like the rest of us. For this recipe, the toppings are the main event. Lots of room for creativity!


●  1⁄2 cup oats

●  1⁄2 cup water

●  1⁄2 Tbsp hemp seeds

●  Dash of salt


●  Mix all ingredients, put in a closed container

●  Store in the refrigerator overnight Toppings

● Options include hard boiled or scrambled eggs, sauteed spinach, avocado, tofu, smoked salmon, hot sauce

Caffeine to improve athletic performance

Caffeine to improve athletic performance

Studies have shown an improvement in sports performance when caffeine is consumed before exercise (Clarke, 2018). Here are details about how caffeine works and the safe and effective dose that yields the best results.

How it works:

Caffeine blocks adenosine receptors that, in turn, prevent you from  feeling tired. By blocking adenosine receptors, you can feel less pain, increase neuro-excitability, and improve your ability to focus which can lead to ergogenic effects on exercise performance.


  1. Reduces perception of pain and fatigue
  2. Mobilizes fat to use for energy, sparing glycogen
  3. Increasing alertness (reaction time and mood)


Effects of too much caffeine can cause jitteriness, shakiness, upset stomach, or reflux. None of these symptoms are ideal before or during a race. Be sure to test out caffeine dose and response before race day.


The effective dose of caffeine is 3-6 mg/kg about one hour before competition which is approximately 200-400 mg for a person weighing 150 pounds (70kg) which is equivalent to a tall coffee from Starbucks

There is a bigger performance benefit when caffeine is reduced prior to competition (Beaumont). 


The amount of caffeine in energy bars, gels and medications tends to be standardized, while the amount in coffee and tea can vary considerably. Be sure to read labels and know how much you are consuming.

Some energy drinks or pre-workout beverages might have caffeine listed as one of these ingredients:

Green tea extract


Guayaki yerba mate


Cola nut


College athletes:

Caffeine is a banned substance by the NCAA. A urinary caffeine concentration exceeding 15 micrograms per milliliter (corresponding to ingesting about 500 milligrams, the equivalent of six to eight cups of brewed coffee, two to three hours before competition) results in a positive drug test.

* Caffeine content varies among brewing methods. See chart below.

Olympic level athletes:

Caffeine is permitted in sports governed by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

Food-first approach:

The perception of having increased energy from caffeine will not replace the actual energy provided from food. Successful athletic performance is dependent on a nutrition plan that meets your energy and nutrient needs through food first. Caffeine can be used to improve performance and will be most effective if energy needs are met with food-first.



Beaumont R, Cordery P, Funnell M, Mears S, James L, Watson P. Chronic ingestion of a low dose of caffeine induces tolerance to the performance benefits of caffeine. J Sports Sci. 2017 Oct;35(19):1920-1927. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2016.1241421. Epub 2016 Oct 20. 

Clarke ND, Richardson DL, Thie J, Taylor R. Coffee Ingestion Enhances 1-Mile Running Race Performance. International Journal Sports Physiology and Performance. 2018;13(6):789-794.

Davis JK, Green JM. Caffeine and anaerobic performance: ergogenic value and mechanisms of action. Sports Med. 2009;39:813–832. 

Laurent D, Schneider KE, Prusaczyk WK, et al. Effects of caffeine on muscle glycogen utilization and the neuroendocrine axis during exercise. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2000;85:2170–2175. 

McLellan TM, Bell DG. The impact of prior coffee consumption on the subsequent ergogenic effect of anhydrous caffeine. Int J Sports Nutr Exerc Metab. 2004;14:698–708. 

Spriet LL. Exercise and sport performance with low doses of caffeine. Sports Med. 2014;44:175–184. 

Talanian JL, Spriet LL. Low and moderate doses of caffeine late in exercise improve performance in trained cyclists. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2016 Aug;41(8):850-5. 

Wiles JD, Bird SR, Hopkins J, Riley M. Effect of caffeinated coffee on running speed, respiratory factors, blood lactate and perceived exertion during 1500-m treadmill running. Br J Sports Med. 1992; 26:116–120. 

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